Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Everythings Changing
When I got here, I had this frame of mind that I needed to change nothing. Typical Jacksonville Model arrogance. I thought I knew what I was doing. I thought I had everything I needed to make it here in New York. Silly ignorant Joeli. I'm so glad that I came on this trip. It opened my eyes to how I should be living, eating and socializing. It's all in who you know, granted I only met a few people on this trip, those people know people in high places. Getting me jobs and shoots and more connections. If I had not come on this trip, I would be just like everyone at home. Thinking that Jacksonville is enough and thinking I'm a 'real model'. But in all honesty, we're only at step one. I'm ready for the rough road ahead. Only a few short months until I come to New York and make something of what I started in Jacksonville.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Counting the days
Notice how I'm no longer counting. Notice how I no longer have any want or drive to count the days because I feel if I count the days that we have been here, will make it even more known and obvious as to when we leave this wonderful place. We have a little over a week left here in New York/ New Jersey.. I don't want to leave.. I miss home, I miss my Munkie and my mommy and my best friend but that's all I really have in Jacksonville. New York, to be honest, is just like Jacksonville, still so new and still so much to explore, but I'm ready to get out of Jacksonville, that's probably why I'm so anxious to move here.
Yesterday, Melissa, Heather, and I all had a shoot with Brittani Gordon Bowman of Brittania Garden Photography (our house mother) and John Perez. I'm suuuper excited to see all the pictures. We shot for a good five hours and I feel like we got some good pictures. I cant wait to send them into Direct Model Management. I need a New York Agency I feel.. Jacksonville will get me a few jobs but I need more, you know? This shoot I feel had the opportunity to show off my new hair and my new confidence in myself. John and Brittani both have such different styles I can't wait for the final product. The picture above is just a behind the scenes picture, just a fun few pictures.
Yesterday, Melissa, Heather, and I all had a shoot with Brittani Gordon Bowman of Brittania Garden Photography (our house mother) and John Perez. I'm suuuper excited to see all the pictures. We shot for a good five hours and I feel like we got some good pictures. I cant wait to send them into Direct Model Management. I need a New York Agency I feel.. Jacksonville will get me a few jobs but I need more, you know? This shoot I feel had the opportunity to show off my new hair and my new confidence in myself. John and Brittani both have such different styles I can't wait for the final product. The picture above is just a behind the scenes picture, just a fun few pictures.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Day 19

Thursday, July 25, 2013
Day 18
Im not sure exactly what day I'm on, they're all blurring together.. Well, the past few days have been nothing short of wonderful. Yesterday Melissa, Heather and I had meetings with agencies. We all had at least one agency that liked us. The first one, I was too short for, the second wasn't really looking for any new faces, and the third, really showed a lot of interest in me. Which is very exciting. My sprits were pretty low after the first casting, I'm not gonna lie. Someone reassuring my fear that I am too short was just a slap in the face, but hey, to be honest I knew it was going to happen. You cannot be perfect for every agency I've noticed. After the meetings, I met up with Austin and we wandered Manhattan all night. Complete with Froyo. Today Melissa and I got our hair cut by the fabulous John Raymond with Aveda. Such a sweet guy, very talented. It was amazing what he did to Melissa and my own hair. He cut so little but did soo very much. After our hair appointment, I headed uptown, once again, to meet with, Austin and his friend Dillion. Sweet kid, that Dillion is. It was such a good night, I'm sure Heather hates me though, this is the second time I had to call her for her to come get me from Newark Penn Station because I missed the last Light Rail. Sorry, Heather.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Day 14
Today was nothing short of an adventure for me. Today I hit the city all by my lonesome to meet up with some friends. I was a little behind schedule to begin with (whats new) but thinking I knew where I was going, I headed for the trains. The first two trains, of course, just like every other time we go in to the city, never change, but then it was up to me, to find my way to my destination. My destination, may I say and that was later pointed out to me, was not even 5 minutes from New York Penn Station. Asking for directions and trying to find my way, I end up getting on the right train, but going the wrong direction.. D Train, headed downtown.. When I needed to head Uptown Manhattan. An hour into my train ride I realize that it's getting more and more ghetto. Slightly frightened I text Austin and come to find out, I was actually so far away from where I should have been it's not even funny. I was in deep Brooklyn. Not really that scary, but it was more of the fact everything becomes more scary when you're lost and alone. I gather myself and get on the right train and head back to where I should be. I call Austin head for Soho, and tell him I think I am where I should be, I walk a few blocks and there he is. Tall, handsome, and showing a mocking smile. I get some crap from Austin and Derek his friend and we go and get lunch because by this time, my stomach is eating itself. After food we head for Austin's aunts house. which was a journey itself. We had to get onto the ferry to go to New Jersey, which, I know this may seem silly, was really confusing. Upon arriving in New Jersey we had the honor of climbing sets upon sets of stairs to arrive to his Uncles house. The pool, calling, yearning, for us to jump in. It was such a wonderful and stressful day. I'd do it again any day. I'm so excited to call this place my home.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Day 13
So it's technically day 14, but it's 2:30 am and everyone is sleeping sooo, HIII! Day 13. Today we celebrated Melissa's 21 Birthday in Little Italy. It's so wonderful. We met some wonderful people during dinner and the owner bought us drinks! How awesome! But Brittani's birthday was yesterday and we all celebrated that with her, I swear, that beautiful woman doesn't look at day over 21. I'm so happy to be here with all these wonderful people. I'm honestly so blessed to be here. And I am so happy that I was able to celebrate with Melissa for this milestone. She is honestly one of my Greatest Friends I have. I'm so happy to have met her and for her be a part of my life, I just don't have words to say how happy I am to have her in my life. When ever we need each other, we know we're there for each other. This girl I can see being in my life for a very long time.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Day Ten
I cannot believe that we have been here for ten wonderful days. Lately, we have just been hanging out around Jersey and just exploring here, but today we went to the city. A few days earlier, Melissa and I went to the city to just walk about and see everything. Sitting at Bryant Park, we are approached by a man named Tony and asked us if we wanted to play Ping Pong. His handsome friend we later find out who's name is Austin stood over with him. Today, Heather, Melissa and I, are sitting in Bryant Park, just watching the jugglers when I get a text from this mysterious man. Austin. I later talk him into joining us. He takes us away from our serenity to see a better view of New York City. He takes us to the top floor of a building we've passed several times before. When we've arrived at the top, the view. It was breath taking. We all talked about Heather and I's move to the big city and all that.. We later go to a little hole in the wall place for drinks and food. Later, walking around, we all decide to head for the river. A beautiful view was before us. Everything about this city is so wonderful to me it's kind of ridiculous. After my long, and rather tiresome day, I bid you goodnight. After talking to this handsome man. I've decided if I want to better my career I need to start with me. I'm waking up early for a run.. We'll see how this goes.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Day Five/Six
The past two days we have all just been chilling at home, just enjoying not spending any money and each other's company. Netflix has become our best friend and the floor, which is my bed is becoming less and less comfortable.
The house we're staying in was built in 1895. It's a sweet little house, in a nice, established neighborhood. Tall beautiful trees surround the house and even more beautiful flowers take over the back yard. Before we arrived at our humble abode on the third floor of this home, we all for some reason decided to discuss our ghost encounters. Brittani whom has encountered a bit more than the rest of us, decided to tell us some stories. Me, being the believer that I am, listened to said stories with open ears and heart.
This house has, honestly given me the creeps since we stepped foot in it's house, and upon doing research about the house and seeing it's age, rightfully so. Tonight, Heather decided to pull me out of Melissa and I's room to tell me that Brittani had saw something last night.. She told Heather and I that she did see a ghost, and that the ghost tapped her headphone she was wearing that night while watching documentaries on her laptop. Freaked out, Melissa comes storming out of the room in turn scaring Heather and I. You see, Melissa get's kind of freaked out easily and talking about said ghosts I feel triggered it even more. We have all felt a presence in the house ever since we have arrived. Melissa and I are staying in a room with a mixture of tribal pieces and kids toys.. Interesting mixture I noticed, but have said nothing until tonight.. Why would there be Legos in a room too high for a child to reach? Why would there be glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling and why if one of the stickers fell off why would you staple it back onto the ceiling? Why not throw it away? Well tonight a few of those questions were answered. Brittani thought she felt a presence but ignored it until she saw it. She saw a shadow, an apparition of a child, seeming to be curious as to what she was doing on her computer. Brittani told us that this child made it's way over to her as she watched the documentaries. She said that she felt a presence hovering over her shoulder, as a child would, then, the child, tapped on her headphones. Brittani knowing about the supernatural, ignored it. She pretty much told the universe that we are here for good, and mean no harm. This apparition I feel meant no harm, just a child, a curious child, trying to see what we're doing in their house. I'd be curious too. I'm beginning to notice myself growing more and more curious as to what went down in these walls..
The house we're staying in was built in 1895. It's a sweet little house, in a nice, established neighborhood. Tall beautiful trees surround the house and even more beautiful flowers take over the back yard. Before we arrived at our humble abode on the third floor of this home, we all for some reason decided to discuss our ghost encounters. Brittani whom has encountered a bit more than the rest of us, decided to tell us some stories. Me, being the believer that I am, listened to said stories with open ears and heart.
This house has, honestly given me the creeps since we stepped foot in it's house, and upon doing research about the house and seeing it's age, rightfully so. Tonight, Heather decided to pull me out of Melissa and I's room to tell me that Brittani had saw something last night.. She told Heather and I that she did see a ghost, and that the ghost tapped her headphone she was wearing that night while watching documentaries on her laptop. Freaked out, Melissa comes storming out of the room in turn scaring Heather and I. You see, Melissa get's kind of freaked out easily and talking about said ghosts I feel triggered it even more. We have all felt a presence in the house ever since we have arrived. Melissa and I are staying in a room with a mixture of tribal pieces and kids toys.. Interesting mixture I noticed, but have said nothing until tonight.. Why would there be Legos in a room too high for a child to reach? Why would there be glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling and why if one of the stickers fell off why would you staple it back onto the ceiling? Why not throw it away? Well tonight a few of those questions were answered. Brittani thought she felt a presence but ignored it until she saw it. She saw a shadow, an apparition of a child, seeming to be curious as to what she was doing on her computer. Brittani told us that this child made it's way over to her as she watched the documentaries. She said that she felt a presence hovering over her shoulder, as a child would, then, the child, tapped on her headphones. Brittani knowing about the supernatural, ignored it. She pretty much told the universe that we are here for good, and mean no harm. This apparition I feel meant no harm, just a child, a curious child, trying to see what we're doing in their house. I'd be curious too. I'm beginning to notice myself growing more and more curious as to what went down in these walls..
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Day Four
So, we are coming to the close of Day Four. Today Melissa and I were on our own. Heather had plans to meet up with some people today in the city. I, honestly, was extremely excited for it. It was kind of like a test, you know? A test on how well I have been paying attention to when Heather would tell us which stop to get off of and which train to get on to. Melissa and I had a Casting Call at Red Model Management. After the casting we decided to get together with Heather to see how and where she was. At Bryant Park, Heather, Melissa and I sit, talk and people watch. Heather, whom has been feeling a bit under the weather, headed home to Jersey. Melissa and I took this opportunity to go do some shopping and wandering. Catching the eye of a few hunky business men, we walk. Passing all the office buildings and shops and we hit Forever21, it's 4 stories and just so wonderful I couldn't even grasp it. After a while Mel and I decide to head for home too.. Me, being the technologically challenged person I am, took us the like 15 blocks out of our way.. I realize we're like 2 miles away from where we should be. I'm learning slowly, my feet hate me and I'm so tired. I love NYC!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Day Three
Soho, China Town and Little Italy. It's day three and I'm still so lost about how the subway works. We got ambushed by these guys right when we stepped foot off the subway and we couldn't escape. "ABORT! ABORT!" I text Heather and Melissa as we sit there trying so desperately to leave these guys. Bashing and back talking our motives and why we were there. Yeah, we're new here but, don't you dare second guess our motives. We're all here for the same thing. I refuse to quit. After we left because we were getting a fake call from Heather's friend. Thank the looord. After a bit of shopping in Soho and guy gawking we head for sushi. Headed for China Town we find this quaint little sushi restaurant. With some seriously good sushi. You know how when you travel and you stay in a place for a long amount of time you try and become familiar with things? We have found or sushi place. I now have one in Charlotte, Jacksonville and now New York City. We step out of the restaurant and notice it's beginning to drizzle, but we need to find our subway entrance.. So we turn on HopStop. Which of course didn't give us the directions we needed.. We ended up getting a little wet in the rain trying to find our hub after doing a giant U-Turn. Today was such a good day. It started late but honestly the city is even more wonderful when it's dark out.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Day Two,
Has come to a close and it was over all so wonderful. Swollen feet and all. My day started right around 10 with Melissa trying to wake me, and me, being the morning person I am, put my pink cheetah print blanket over my head and grunted groggily. A few minutes later I realize I really don't want to be left at home all day, so with sleepy eyes and shuffling feet, I gather myself and head for my roomies. I walk in, Melissa and Heather are getting (even more) beautiful for the day. Come to find out we are going to the city which I was very excited to hear. After my shower and being awoken fully by it's wonderful heat, I get myself ready for the day. White crop top, denim high waisted shorts and wedges. With my Raygun purse in hand we all head for the train. Two different train rides later, we see the New York skyline. A breathtaking view that I wish I could have captured. A few minutes later we arrive to our destination. New York City. The hustle and bustle is just like the movies. Maybe not as extravagant but still there. The atmosphere here is one that I will always remember. Everyone having to be somewhere, always in a rush. Then there is Melissa, Heather, and I. Strutting our stuff down 7th Ave. All in heels, all being our most fabulous. With my new Cat Eye sunglasses on and enough happiness and confidence to share, we walk. Ignoring all the comments and stares, we Pass shop, after shop, after shop we head for Victoria's Secret. Feeling like I belong on those walls we wander around and marvel it's wonders. After VS, we hit H&M, with only high waisted shorts in mind, I head in, with Heather and Melissa not far behind. After our shopping, we start walking again. Bryant Park, which is absolutely wonderful and surprisingly peaceful. After visiting the New York Public Library we head for Times Square. We wander for a while and then realize we are starvation central. So we head for a café and we all got an amazing salad. After a while more of walking around and strutting in NYC we decide to head home. With swollen feet, I refuse to take off my wedges. I can't believe I went all day with them on. Day one complete. 30 more days. I can't wait to see what else New York has in store.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
We have arrived,
We are in New York City, my voice is currently hoarse and I smell like adventure. Upon arrival to the big city, Melissa and I went to see the wonderful Bobby Kelley of BobbyK Designs at his new and wonderful apartment in Brooklyn. With excited and tired hugs we all begin to catch up because we haven't seen him in a good 6 months. Talked some gossip and decided to take a walk.. An unexpected 3 mile walk later both Melissa and I are not verbally saying how much pain we are in but you can tell we're not use to this city life, just yet. We met up with the other part of our party (who stopped for brunch near Richmond) a few hours later, after we were done visiting with Bobby and his boyfriend Jonathan We went to our own apartment in New Jersey. It's the top level off a sweet older house on the outskirts of GHETTOVILLE! It was the straight hood before we got to our 'side of town'. As funny as that sounds.
Today has been a rollercoaster. Trying to understand and take in so much about this wonderful city is overwhelming to say the least. This is only day one and I need cuddles and a bucket of ice cream. I'm so stressed that something might go wrong. Might is such a misunderstood word by all of us. Might; a possibility. And that's just what that is just a possibility that something MAY pop up and MAY happen. I'm so thankful to have such wonderful friends to help me with this chapter of my life. Getting all my stuff from my car I was trying so hard to hide my tears and failing miserably.. Heather, the self proclaimed 'Part-Time Model, Part-Time Mom' noticed my problems and knew exactly what I needed.. She's me, but older, I swear. Tomorrow we walk. High heals on. Face pretty. We go take on the city. BRING IT.
Today has been a rollercoaster. Trying to understand and take in so much about this wonderful city is overwhelming to say the least. This is only day one and I need cuddles and a bucket of ice cream. I'm so stressed that something might go wrong. Might is such a misunderstood word by all of us. Might; a possibility. And that's just what that is just a possibility that something MAY pop up and MAY happen. I'm so thankful to have such wonderful friends to help me with this chapter of my life. Getting all my stuff from my car I was trying so hard to hide my tears and failing miserably.. Heather, the self proclaimed 'Part-Time Model, Part-Time Mom' noticed my problems and knew exactly what I needed.. She's me, but older, I swear. Tomorrow we walk. High heals on. Face pretty. We go take on the city. BRING IT.
Friday, July 5, 2013
The deciding day,
Yesterday way the Fourth of July! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe day for America's Birthday! I spent my Fourth of July as a real beach bum. I put on my itty bitty bikini and took on the mile and a half bike ride, head on, to join my friends in the festivities. I guess here everyone starts partying and drinking around 10 IN THE MORNING! Who wants a beer at 10 in the morning? Not me! I joined all of my people around 1 and was out all day. I met up my group of friends, and saw people I haven't seen in forever on First Street. It was kind of amazing, everyone coming together (and getting drunk) just like one giant group of friends. Excluding the occasional drama between two of my very good guy friends (which I had to step in and intervene) it was a very good day. I'm so happy to live here. It's seriously such a wonderful place to be, sure, it gets a little boring but life is what you make of it! xoxo
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The Countdown Begins..

The countdown to my first major business trip in the modeling world has begun. Three days until I'll be picking up my dear friend Melissa from her home in St. Mary's, Georgia and road trippin' all the way up to our home for a month in Brooklyn, NY. There are so many different emotions going on in my mind and body, excitement, nervousness, anxiety. I've become very restless during the deration of time before now. Who wouldn't?! This trip is going to be a whirlwind of parties and business. I'm only nervous because I don't have my portfolio in hand and I fear that I won't have enough money to survive up there, but you know what if Sarah Jessica Parker can do it, so can I. I've already begun packing my things, telling my mother how empty my room will be when I leave, I can tell she's just as nervous as I am to have me leave. My shoes were the first thing to get packed, I cant wear my heals anywhere here without being taller than everyone I'm around, I mean, I'm only 5'9", but put me in a pair of heals, I'm a good 6 foot. AND PROUD.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Who am I?
I am Joelianna McLane. I'm an 18 year old aspiring model who is determined to show everyone that just because I'm from a small town in Indiana, doesn't mean I cant make it in the big city. The hustle and bustle intrigues me, the culture intrigues me. I moved to Florida in July of 2010, and it changed my life. I went from the girl whom had the questionable style, weird hair and too thick of eye liner, to the woman I am today. I am confident. I am strong. I am sure of who I am and whom I wish to be in the future, who has been to Miami and Charlotte for Fashion Weeks. Who is on her way to New York City this week to take the industry by storm. Who will work herself to the bone on set of a photo shoot and try perfect her walk while sitting backstage at a runway. I'm determined to have Victoria's Secret know my name. I am someone who is always worried about others people's happiness and well being that I'll put myself second. I grew up with a wonderfully complicated family, always very loving, always very accepting, even in my darkest of times. My family is my rock. My family is my everything. My family is slightly country with tang of sass. My mother is my best friend. My baby brother is my love.
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